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DA Travel Edition: Taste of Summer

      When May finally arrives after a long winter, you can feel the sun on your skin and the sweet smell of summer coming. A few people jump on board to start summer travel early before schools are out and people are off on their summer vacations and before...

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DA Travel Edition: A Look In Our Bag

    There is something so fascinating about what’s in other people’s bags, what are your must haves, the things you would bring on a deserted island, the few items in your purse that you swear by? Our team thought it would be fun to do a little Q&A...

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DA Travel Edition: Surviving Jet Lag

    If you know, you know; and we know! Even the most seasoned travelers struggle with this one thing, Jet Lag! What’s worse than having a two week vacation to the Amalfi Coast and for the first three days you’re there you find yourself tucked in bed all...

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    Spring travel will be busier than ever this year, with a heavy winter that most of us were not anticipating, most of our clients are jetting off to warmer weather for spring break this year. We have all of the go-to places to hit this spring to...

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DA Travel Edition: Stress Free Holiday Travel

DA Travel Edition:: Tips for a Stress Free Travel Holiday       With the Holidays upon us things always tend to get a bit hectic, in the best ways of course. This season will be the busiest since the Pandemic in 2020.  From Travel plans to see family, holiday...

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