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DA Travel Edition: Taste of Summer


    When May finally arrives after a long winter, you can feel the sun on your skin and the sweet smell of summer coming. A few people jump on board to start summer travel early before schools are out and people are off on their summer vacations and before the summer heat gets to be too much. We have a few must visit places when it comes to May travel with the least amount of people and the ideal weather forecast. 

    Starting out with no other than Italy. Ahhhh, where else would we all be headed then the most picturesque location there is. When May comes the countryside blooms, the beach is warm and lunch on the terrace calls your name; right before the busiest time of year heading to Italy might be your best decision this summer. 

   Coming in with a close second would be Spain. When the summer months come Spain is flooded with tourists from all over the world. The best part about going in May is the short burst of the calm before the storm. Weather you are heading to Ibiza for a day on the water, Touring one of the beautiful Cathedral, or enjoying walking through the streets of Barcelona. 

   Our final fun pick for May would be grabbing your bike and touring the city like a local, non other than Amsterdam. Taking a stroll through the colorful neighborhoods, or enjoying all of the daily farmers markets, or maybe head over to the popular Ice Bar and grab a drink! Of course the history fanatic in us would also say to run over to the Anne Frank House, MOCO Museum, and the Van Gogh Museum! Most people don’t know that Amsterdam is the worlds largest place for street art. 

   Any of these locations would make for a perfect start to your summer, and beating the heat and crowds that head to Europe all summer long! 

What’s your pick? 


DA Travel Group