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DA Travel Edition: Stress Free Holiday Travel

DA Travel Edition:: Tips for a Stress Free Travel Holiday 

     With the Holidays upon us things always tend to get a bit hectic, in the best ways of course. This season will be the busiest since the Pandemic in 2020.  From Travel plans to see family, holiday shopping for an endless list, Christmas parties that always fall on the same night, and the hustle and bustle of the winter season. With all those things to stir you up, we’re here to add in a few helpful reminders and tips of how to make the most of the traveling season while enjoying it as stress free as possible. 

    Let’s start with holiday travel. As your travel experts, we would like to throw out there that the best way to have a seamless travel experience is working with travel professionals that have the inside scoop on the best ways of getting around to avoid the chaos of travel during peak travel seasons. Considering building out a little extra time into the your schedule is always a great idea for weather purposes, heavy traffic, and of course weather. We encourage you to track your luggage with Apple Air tags or a GPS device, that way if anything gets lost during these times you’ll have an idea of where your goods are! 

    Following that is a big one – knowing your Travel policies and cancellations, we never want to add on the extras after a spendy flight but during the holidays is a the perfect time to add on flight protection, with so many cancellations happening during this peak season it’s piece of mind knowing your compensation options is best in case of change. 

    What are peak travel days and how can you avoid the crowds? December 22nd, 23rd, and 26th are the business travel days of the year, flying out on the off days or using smaller airports instead of the major ones can help with avoiding the large crowds. As well as knowing the Christmas Eve is the heaviest traffic day for driving, so planning ahead if you can is best to get to your destination the quickest way. 

    We hope that these few tips help you make the best decision and prepare you and your loved ones for the bustle of the holiday travel season. As travel managers we always strive to create relationships with other travel professionals globally to help stay up to date with policies and travel restrictions. Finally, The best way to pass cheer this seasons is to spread kindness to those around you. 


DA Travel group